Wednesday, January 20, 2010


"Fraandships",i know its kind of cliched now to make fun of the fraandships lot but this isn't doing that.There are extroverts,introverts,people who drool in public and those who are socially autistic.Mild deviations from these broad catagories and we've pretty much got everyone covered .Most of the people i can associate with including myself fit into the last of the four(well,not entirely but somewhat there).I read a book a while back by this Brit stand up artiste named Will Smith, it was called "How To be cool".Well, for starters , if you stop writing books that claim to know the secret to being socially accepted ,that is the first baby step towards being there.The rest I'm clueless about and would claim to be always cause it would put me in the same boat as the wannabe "Guru(stretched u, mind you)" Will bhaiya. India is a densely populated country comprising people from various backgrounds with varying education standards,why pick on those who aren't as fortunate by mocking their language skills.What's worse is the kinds who derive pleasure from mocking people's language skills are one's who at most can be said to have glossy (*read superficial,rather shiny*) english . Unless one's Amitava Ghosh or a Vikram Seth, what purpose does a language serve,communication right.So there are people who will say fraandships and others who woudln't know better and will do fraandships with them,and they'll be happy.(Its about time we let them be and started feeling the same)
(I have nothing against those who i discuss below,and even if i did,they would never know because a true member of the below dicussed league would never consider himself to be there..small advice,stop picking on people,if picking means so much,try something else,like your nose or a Wren and Martin textbook)
*Instances of shiny/superficial speaking ishtuds*
1. Excessive use of dude,like,the works...
2. heavily accented hindi thrown in out of context.
3. "Seriously bro,I watch only English movies"(I jokingly watch only hindi movies!!seriously!!)
Life is a race,you have to outrun the others.Do it guys , by all means,no stopping you, the least you could though would be turn around and give the person behind you a smile. : ).It's not that tough.
Race Away
You know who


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. From now on, whenever I read about someone looking for ‘true and pure friendships’ with ‘clean nd brdminded CHICKZZZZZ’, I’m supposed to smile, and contact them or something, to make them feel good about themselves?

    Really Shantanu, I think you’re generalising, there ARE nice people who can’t speak English, and there are people who want to ‘make passionate friendships’ to you. You don’t consider yourself superior to the former in anyway, you just feel like helping them, with the latter on the other hand, you can’t help but wonder why natural selection hasn't killed them yet.

  3. My point is the fact that there are "broad minded chickzz" who are waiting for guys like these to come along and our sneering isn't exactly going to stop them from contacting them from those vague columns we see on the second page of major daily's (read dil se).All i was trying to get across was perhaps the fact that we dont need make attempts to bridge these intellectual gaps.The white mans burden was a washout years ago and thats what itll always be.And seriously , you feel like helping saying what '"listen,what you think is right and acceptable and the what you have seen around you perhaps forever is laughed at by the goons who had the privelge of going to better schools and having educated parents"sorry...a tad too rich that theory is i presume.
